Watch Donnie Visa in “Legendary”

Donnie Visa (3) (@otto_rock3t).jpeg

North Carolina artist Donnie Visa returns with the release of his latest video, "Legendary."

Shot in Times Square, NY, watch as Donnie recaps the magnitude of the shifts occurring in his life. Basking in the bright billboard segment of Time Square to handing performances and interviews, Donnie sets the stage for his career with every step taken. SheBuzzin caught up with Donnie Visa, and this is what he had to share.

"I tried to put everything in that one video to show you these legendary situations. I want to be known as a good songwriter, a talent, not a one-hit-wonder. Approved way or no way."

For Donnie, mastering his craft through music is essential. One-hit wonders don't work this hard. Legends are cut from a different cloth.

Watch “Legendary” below.


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